This video provides product information for the GIK Acoustics Scopus Tuned Bass Trap. Descriptions of size, color options, placement and construction are presented.
[emebed][/emebed]The main goal of acoustic treatments in most rooms is to control bass decay and improve frequency response without over-damping the upper frequencies. We recommend starting with broadband bass traps for overall decay time, frequency response and reflection control.
Once broadband control is applied and overall decay times are mostly in order, problems can still remain in the lower frequencies. The Scopus Tuned Bass Trap was specially designed for these specific issues.
Our line of Scopus Tuned Bass Traps provides targeted absorption using a membrane design with an air tight chamber. Think of them like a drum in reverse. When you strike a drum, it makes a sound based on the mass of the head and the size and depth of the drum body. In the Scopus Tuned Bass Trap, the sound strikes the ‘head’ and causes the membrane to move, absorbing the energy based on the mass of the membrane and the depth of the sealed cavity.
Scopus Tuned Bass Traps work in a desired range, leaving your mid- and high-end frequencies intact instead of deadening a room.
Scopus Traps can be tuned to center frequencies of 40Hz, 70Hz, and 100Hz and are a perfect addition to rooms that already have broadband control, but still require targeted control without absorbing above 125Hz. GIK Acoustics also offers the option to build the Scopus Tuned Bass Trap to target whatever center frequency is required for your needs.
Scopus Tuned Bass Traps can be mounted directly in the corner to help with low end decay or can be mounted or stacked in “hot spots” to tame nulls and peaks.
The dimensions of the Scopus Trap are 24” square (or 610mm). The depth depends on the frequency to which it’s tuned. The T100 and T70 are narrow panels at only 4.25” thick (or 108mm). The T40 targets maximum low end control and is a thicker panel at 10.25” (or 260mm)
As with all our products, the Scopus Tuned Bass Trap employs GREENSAFE technology which is easy on air quality for your room, the environment, and your budget.
At GIK Acoustics, we offer quality, Eco-friendly products and provide our customers with custom acoustical advice. We take a holistic approach in helping customers understand the acoustical issues in their space and then present a practical approach to addressing the issues. Just click on “Acoustical Room Advice” and let us know how we can help.
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